Latest Space science news: Hundreds of Ghost dunes on Mars surface

Researchers have discovered hundreds of crescent-shaped pits on Mars. They are the imprints of long-vanished ancient

Latest Space Science News: Video of Astronauts set foot on the moon

On July 20, 1969, Astronauts set foot on the moon for the first time in history. Now on the eve of 49th anniversary

NASA and John Deere spread self-driving tractor capabilities

More than a decade ago, farmers using self-driving tractor in part of partnership between John Deere and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) on GPS receivers.

NASA Lunar Orbital Platform Gateway is ground for human exploration

After a sudden exit from moon mission, NASA is going to develop the new mars mission, Lunar Orbital Platform Gateway, to provide the ground for human exploration into the solar system.

Scientists stunned after cancelling NASA moon mission

NASA has drops the main robotic vehicle under development to investigate the surface of the Moon. The NASA moon mission, Resource Prospector (RP), a robotic rover that had developed for about 10 years to investigate a polar region of the Moon.

Scientists trying to save wild banana crop from seasonal disease

A team of phytologists found a wild banana in Madagascar that may hold the way to protecting the world’s consumable crop

South Atlantic Anomaly study reveals earth’s magnetic field getting weak

Researchers exploring an abnormality in Earth’s magnetic field occurs in the southern hemisphere that has been named the ‘South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA)’.