FDA granted Gene therapy Luxturna for vision loss and blindness

The FDA panel approved new gene therapy Luxturna. The treatment for Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) an inherited retinal disease caused by defects in a gene called RPE65. Parents can unknowingly carry the flawed gene for generations. Patients with a rare inherited form of blindness could be able to regain their sight if the Food and […]

Another OSU student diagnosed with meningococcal disease

Oregon State University has made vaccinations for meningococcal disease, after their students effected with the deadly infection. Meningococcal disease caused by a bacterium, meningococcus, it is an incurable disease. It causes meningitis, widespread blood infection can result in sepsis.

One cancer drug against all types of tumors

The new cancer drug treats a genetic disorder responsible for most of the cancers influencing several types of tumors.

Woman with stress linked to heart disease

Mental pressure can incur significant damage on veins, ladies with coronary illness might be particularly helpless.

Canadian food retailer Sobeys temporarily closes the sale of romaine lettuce

Sobeys, the second largest food retailer in Canada has released a report that the company removing romaine lettuce temporarily from their stores over Canada.

Catherine: Full body remake for PS4, Vita

Catherine a puzzle game 2011 developed by persona team from Atlus re-launching the game. The PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 remaking the game currently in development stage. New version incorporated with new concept and visuals.

Surrogate Mother declined Fetus removal after knowing Heart imperfection

A surrogate mother who declined to prematurely end an infant with a genuine heart imperfection. Conflicting with the infant’s folks, has approached individuals to “pick love” and bolster the couple days after she conveyed the newborn child.

Skull-molded space rock will voyage by earth on 2018

A goliath space rock which resembles startling human skull prepare to fly through earth on 2018. The space rock named, 2015 TB145, is more than 600 expansive.

Omega 3 fatty acids in Fish improves Brain and Heart health

Research has demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fats prevents danger of irregular heartbeats. Omega-3 unsaturated fats additionally diminish triglyceride levels, moderate development rate of atherosclerotic plaque, and lower circulatory strain.