China’s first space station will crash at any time?

European space agency warning that, the China’s first space station Tiangong-1 will crash at any time. The spacecraft will likely crash into Europe, but they can’t say exactly when and where it crashes.

China’s Tiangong-1 Space Lab Crashed on Pacific Ocean

The Chinese scientists and authorities have released a note on Tiangong-1 space station that came back into the Earth’s atmosphere and crashed on southern Pacific Ocean.

Chinese scientists made lab grown ears for children with defects

For the first time, Chinese scientists made lab grown ears for children with genetic defects or no organ. The ears made by using advanced biomedical 3-D printing techniques.

Chinese scientists successfully made clone monkeys using SCNT technique

Chinese researchers bring a new evolution in Genetic science by creating clone monkeys using the Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) technique. Recently, researchers have created a sheep, Dolly, by using SCNT.

CIMION: Elon Musk’s AI robot joins on International Space Station

Flying brain, a ball-shaped AI robot trained to follow and interact with a German astronaut, launched Friday

Cockroach milk: The future superfood

Generally, if we can find a cockroach or any insect in your food than immediately we feel disgusting and leave that place. But, a latest Indian research reveals that the nutrition’s in cockroach milk have more than three times the energy of normal cow’s milk.

Common causes and life-threatening symptoms of epigastric pain

Epigastric Pain, a common pain that occurs in the upper abdominal area just below the ribs. The pain happens after taking a meal or when lying down after eating. It is one of the gastro esophageal reflux disease.

Common Genetic risk factors for asthma, hay fever and eczema

An international genome study identifies more than 100 genetic risk factors that explain why some people suffer from asthma, hay fever and eczema. Dr. Manuel Ferreira from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, said, it is the first study to find genetic risk factors shared among allergic conditions. The three most common allergic conditions, such […]

Cooper’s space map now scans treasure-laden shipwrecks in Bahamas

Over 50 years ago, a NASA astronaut created a Space map that could lead a modern-day explorer to the sites of treasure-laden shipwrecks

Dangerous dog flu spread across United States

Pet owners in the United States worried about a dangerous dog flu. Canine influenza, a dog flu popping up around the U.S., including Washington, California, Arizona, Colorado, Pennsylvania. The flu very high contagious among dogs.