Health news today: FDA approves cannabis based drug for sale

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the medication Epidiolex back in June.

Health news today: Excess Green tea might cause liver and kidney failure

Green tea is delighted in by a huge number of individuals around the globe.

Health news today: More opioid usage disorder in Massachusetts

Researchers from Boston medical college has organized a study that reveals 275,000 of people over the age of 11.

Health news today: Vaping and smoking delays wound healing

As per another examination, e-cigarette smoking and vaping contrarily influences skin wound recuperating.

Health news today: No survival? Cancers affecting woman at young age

Among woman most of them infected to certain types of cancers around the world.

Health news today: Table salt found with 90% of Microplastics

Study shows 90% table salt is contaminated with microplastics. When we tap 13 million metric tons of plastic into the oceans every year.

Health news today: Color changing contact lens to treat eye disorders

Medications intended to treat eye conditions regularly conveyed by means of eye drops. All of the genuine medication winds up trickling

Health news today: People’s approach on buying food products influenced by labels

The activity of buying food products from the food store differs among the people, some prefer in reading.

Ancient Egyptian blue pigment can grow energy efficiency

The ancient Egyptians created a blue pigment which they used in their depictions of gods and royalty.