A bacteria group communicates to avoid antibiotics, says microbiologists

A team of American microbiologists recently reveals a shocking news about a bacteria. The pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes pneumonia, sepsis and other infections. This bacteria group communicates distress signals in response to avoid certain antibiotics. https://goo.gl/NvJtjv

American paleontologists discovered a dinosaur teeth bird

Yale university researchers have discovered a bird beak that inspired the likes of Charles Darwin bore the very first beak. Scientists said, the dinosaur teeth bird, Ichthyornis lived 100–66 million years ago and plays a key role in the evolutionary journey from dinosaurs to modern-day birds. https://goo.gl/kAWWbG

Chemists design a molecule using optical tweezers

Scientists design a molecule using optical tweezers and spearheading an entirely new form of chemical reaction. In the study, a team of Harvard researchers trapped two individual atoms in separate laser beams, then united them together and triggered a reaction between them with a photon of light. https://goo.gl/bcfXdn

CIMION: Elon Musk’s AI robot joins on International Space Station

Flying brain, a ball-shaped AI robot trained to follow and interact with a German astronaut, launched Friday https://goo.gl/a5sRwX

Cooper’s space map now scans treasure-laden shipwrecks in Bahamas

Over 50 years ago, a NASA astronaut created a Space map that could lead a modern-day explorer to the sites of treasure-laden shipwrecks https://goo.gl/hZv1Li

Einstein’s theory of relativity shows gravity objects fall the same way

Few weeks back, Albert Einstein’s imaginary elevator confirmed with remarkable accuracy, at that point Albert Einstein’s https://goo.gl/2vecfx

Elon Musk believes flights to Mars may start 2019

The SpaceX CEO reveals facts about the project of flights to Mars may start trails soon. Musk said, the first flight of SpaceX’s Big Falcon Rocket could occur in the first half of 2019, although he admits to having optimistic timelines. https://spinonews.com/2018/03/12/elon-musk-believes-flights-to-mars-may-start-2019/

Geologists uncovered the changes of earth until 2.4 billion years ago

Geologists from University of Oregon uncovers that, 2.4 billion years ago the Earth was simply a substantial waterway. Later, land rapidly rose out of the ocean and triggered dramatic changes in life and atmosphere. https://goo.gl/ZTLg8Z

How plants pass seasonal information?

How plants pass seasonal information A team of genetic scientists from John Innes Centre investigated the plant genetic memory also how plants pass seasonal information https://goo.gl/xC2J5c

Latest Space News: Solar winds coming to Earth tonight, but don’t worry

Researchers from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reveal that a giant hole in the Sun’s atmosphere https://goo.gl/nMT3B6